The Physical Master Plan Study was prepared in direct response to UCR’s Vision 2020, an initiative of the Office of the Chancellor.
The planning process was deliberate in seeking the participation of students, faculty, staff, administrators, community members, elected officials, and City of Riverside representatives. The following groups were created with the intent of directing, advising and supporting the Master Plan Study.
Steering Committee: This twenty-member committee was co-chaired by the Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Budget. The Steering Committee directed the planning team throughout all phases of the visioning and planning process.
Project Management Team: This multi-disciplinary team of key campus stakeholders and subject-matter experts managed the visioning and planning process and provided staff assistance; coordinated all communications between the University and consultant team; vetted observations, findings, and recommendations; and played hands-on roles in the crafting of the final report and related materials.
Working Groups: UC Riverside's commitment to incorporating diverse perspectives also was reinforced by the formation of six multi-disciplinary working groups bringing special focus to the following key areas:
The working groups for the Study are:
- Campus Logistics and Safety: Focused on efforts to improve campus safety and security and improvements to enable the campus to function in a cohesive, efficient, and safe manner
- City and Community: Provided a forum to engage with city and community constituents on campus planning issues, to facilitate a singular vision of the campus informed by neighborhood and City perspectives
- Student Life: Identified opportunities to enhance the quality of student experience within the built environment (interior and exterior space) and explore avenues to improve the campus environment
- Sustainable Infrastructure: Supported the master plan study with the development of an integrated stormwater management plan and to consider strategies to become carbon neutral in operations by 2025
- Sustainable Practices: Explored aspects of broader campus operations such as landscape planting, irrigation water use, edible landscapes and edible landscapes that influence the larger campus physical environs for opportunities to realize greater efficiencies of resource use and expression of commitment to environmental stewardship
- Technology: Helped identify how evolving technologies could potentially transform the physical makeup of campus and project how technology will influence the campus of the future